Saturday, March 12, 2011

Curriculum Change - Optimising Learning

Optimising Learning: Implications of Learning Science Research in 21 Century- Keith Sawyer 2008
Curriculum Change - How to make change happen - compiled by Alison Hampshire  
Curriculum New School Versions - Heidi Hayes Jacobs
What Universities Want - Compiled by Danny O'Connor

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sustainability as the Core

Educating with Sustainability at the core 
Nuffield STEM Futures Cross Curricular Projects on Sustainability
Whole school curriculum model based on sustainability -Marcia Behrenbreuch
Slow Schools Movement       

Why put Sustainability at the core
David Orr 1992 - Education as if the world mattered 1992!  full reading
"We ought to encourage our students to find their calling in good and necessary work, The best and most necessary work for our age involves in a thousand ways the recalibration of humanities values, institutions, behaviours and expectations with those of the earth. This is the task of education in our time. .. "Education which fails to clarify our central convictions is mere training or indulgence. For it is our central convictions that are in disorder, and as long as the present anti-metaphysical temper persists, the disorder will grow worse. Education, far from ranking as our greatest resource, will then be an agent of destruction." E.F Schumacher - It is time to address the ecological emergency as, in fact, a crisis of mind and of education."
Earth Policy Institute   "We are facing issues of near-overwhelming complexity and unprecedented urgency. Our challenge is to think globally and develop policies to counteract environmental decline and economic collapse. The question is: Can we change direction before we go over the edge?"(Lester R Brown) - PLAN B ......
People&Planet A gateway to the greatest issue of our time: the well being of the growing human family as it presses ever more heavily on the resources of our planet.
World Watch Institute - Vision for a sustainable world - delivers the insights and ideas that empower decision makers to create an environmentally sustainable society that meets human needs
GIFT: Global Institute for Tomorrow    Consumptionomics by  Chandra Nair
David Suzuki - we're going the wrong way. -we have to change the way we view the world

Lane Clark - Real Learning -Beyond Inquiry-where learning & thinking meet

Lane's Dream : That kids know how to learn- that they completely understand the stages of real learning. So they can independently and self directedly  navigate through those stages to begin to learn in areas of passion for them.  Engage in learning that ultimately makes a difference in their life and the life of others.  Knowing how to learn but ensuring that as you learn, that you are doing the best thinking you can. Get depth and breadth of thinking as they move through the stages with rigor. They need to own the journey! 
So they learn how to find out at many different stages of the model. Finding out tools are diverse and they need to pick the right one -differentiate through tool- they learn how to make the right choice.
Need tools, planners, processes and frameworks to help organize and plan to gain rigor.
Ultimately its about providing the tools to enable kids to invent ideate and innovate.............
Eventually they can plan their own journey selecting their own tool along the way.
Good change agents aren't afraid to look at their weakness. Your weaknesses are your opportunities.

Dancing  in  the  Light  -  perceptions  and  perspectives  on  inquiry  leaning  Marcia Behrenbreuch
"Teachers  are  perhaps  like  choreographers. They can provide the initial inspiration; they can plan the steps. They can rehearse the skills; they can tell when the performance is ready. But does a choreographer exist without dancers? The dancers improvise and change the steps. They bring their own unique skills and abilities.They bring their own creativity.But at some point, when the curtain goes up the dancers are on their own.They follow their passions; they solve the problems that arise. And the choreographer stands behind the curtain in the darkness Watching the dancers in the light."

Alison's Links to good vids on edtalks: Developing a thinking a generation
Questioning to develop thinking

Template for Enquiry from Together for Learning from Alison 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Frame Changed- School Examples

21C Learning - the answers   Conversations with Ameeta Wattall and Yong Zhao: Awesome vid- skills, spirituality, values and the only way forward is more creativity

“A creative curriculum would give greater priority to higher-order skills, such as learning to learn, problem-solving and self-assessment … would emphasise adaptability and the transfer of knowledge between contexts … for these aims to be realised, curriculum content should be reduced by half over the next ten years.

The Green School Bali 
Other Schools doing interesting things  Compiled by Alison
Projects at High Tech Highs   - great examples of how to run enquiries/projects
Coalition of Essential Schools - transforming public education USA